


Nutrient-dense foods are rich in vitamins, minerals 和 other nutrients important to our health. They also don’t have too much 饱和脂肪, added sugars 和/or sodium. Nutrient density is the amount of nutrients you get for the calories consumed. Research suggests that the st和ard American diet is energy-rich 和 nutrient-poor. 当我们说能量时,我们指的是卡路里. And “empty calories” are in foods that provide a lot of calories without much nutritional value.

For a nutrient-dense 和 heart-healthy dietary pattern:

  • 吃各种水果和蔬菜.
  • 吃全谷物.
  • 包括健康的蛋白质来源, mostly from plant sources (legumes 和 nuts), 鱼和海鲜, 无脂或低脂乳制品, lean cuts of unprocessed meat 和 skinless poultry.
  • 吃坚果和豆类.
  • Limit red 和 processed meats, sodium, added sugars 和 alcohol.

One of the tools you can use to choose more nutrient-dense foods is the 美国心脏协会’s Heart-Check mark. 当你看到标记的时候, you can be confident the product aligns with our recommendations for an overall healthy eating pattern. The Heart-Check mark considers beneficial nutrients as well as nutrients you should limit, making it quick 和 easy for you to make a healthy choice.

When a Heart-Check certified option isn’t available, read 和 compare 营养成分标签 然后选择最好的选项. For example: Let’s say you’re looking at the 营养成分标签 of two packages of bread to decide which one is the healthier choice. The white bread has about 80 calories per slice, but few vitamins 和 minerals. The whole-grain version has about the same number of calories, 但是更多的蛋白质, 镁的三倍, 纤维含量是原来的两倍多, 钾, 维生素B6和锌. The nutrition information shows that the whole-grain option is the more nutrient-dense choice.

How to Add Nutrient-Dense Foods to Your 健康饮食 Plan

Sometimes it only takes a small shift to make a more nutrient-dense choice. 下面是你如何开始的方法:

  • Switch from white bread, rice 和 pasta to whole-grain pasta, whole-wheat bread 和 brown rice.
  • Instead of a dollop of full-fat sour cream on your chili or baked potato, try fat-free or low-fat plain Greek yogurt.
  • 给披萨加配料的时候, 填玉米卷或者堆三明治, add an additional veggie instead of extra meat or cheese.

By making some simple swaps in your favorite recipes, you can easily boost the nutrient density of your family’s meals 和 snacks.


我们大多数人, 包括儿童和青少年, get a significant portion of our daily energy (calories) from snacks. 传统休闲食品, 比如芯片, 饼干和饼干, 和饮料, 比如苏打水和运动饮料, 热量高吗, 饱和脂肪, sodium 和/or added sugars but low in nutrient density.

当零食, 选择营养丰富的食物, such as 无脂或低脂乳制品 products as well as a variety of fruits 和 vegetables 和 nuts.

  • Snack on crunchy vegetables with a fat-free or low-fat yogurt-based浸.
  • 吃一把 无盐坚果 而不是芯片.
  • Satisfy a sweet tooth with naturally sweet fruit on its own or in a 奶昔 而不是糖果和饼干.
  • 代替含糖饮料 水果泡水 和/or herbs, or unsweetened tea or coffee.


  • Choose more nutrient-dense foods to get the beneficial nutrients your body needs without consuming too many calories.
  • 关注你的整体饮食模式, rather than individual nutrients or specific foods or food groups.








